
“Our commitment is to pay our suppliers, to pay them complying with the contractual terms, without stopping the regular payments.”

These words begin the Manifesto introducing the initiative #iopagoifornitori (lit. #Ipaymysuppliers) organised by AIB, Associazione Industriale Bresciana (lit. Industry Association of Brescia) joined also by RMG.

We firmly believe that respecting our duties towards our business partners is an undeniable value, also in such hard times we are facing, during which our Country has socially and economically struggled.

Each time there is a past-due account or a delay in payments, the affected companies face some difficulties which could make them in turn not able to honor their commitments. Once this vicious cycle has been triggered, it is hard to stop.

That’s why RMG tries its best to fulfil its commitments towards its suppliers and kindly invites its partners to do the same.

“It’s the only way we have to keep our industry, made up of lots of factories, up and running.
It’s the only way we have to save the purchasing power of people.
That’s the only way we can come out from this depression.”
(taken from the Manifesto #iopagoifornitori).