The advantages of industry 4.0

The advantages of industry 4.0: Process optimisation, Reducing errors, Energy efficiency, Availability of information

What is Industry 4.0? Which are its advantages? Let’s try to explain what we refer to while talking about Industry 4.0 and its main advantages by introducing the case of our non-ferrous metal refinery, a manufacturer of copper-based alloy ingots since 1961.

While aiming at further increasing both the productivity of plants and the quality of our products, thanks to the installation of brand-new production technologies in RMG, we can always be up-to-date on the technological evolution in the industry. Furthermore, through 4.0 technologies, we can monitor even more parameters and phases of the production process, thus making it more efficient also in terms of energy.

The 4.0 industry in RMG

  • LABORATORY: We painstakingly check materials within our internal analysis laboratory. Furthermore, we keep track of all data originating in the production process through the interaction between laboratory tools and our software program.

  • PRODUCTION PLANT: Thanks to the bidirectional communication between our production plant tools and our management software, we can make our manufacturing process even more flexible and efficient by constantly monitoring it. Last but not least, we steadily control the traceability of our products.

  • MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE: We control each single production step through our management software. This customised software program, interconnected with the production system and the laboratory tools, allows all-around management of all processes.

What are the advantages of Industry 4.0?

Functioning in RMG and advantages of industry 4.0: Process optimisation, Reducing errors, Energy efficiency, Availability of information