Current scenario and forecast


Nowadays companies are compelled to look for information to understand the present extremely variable scenario, whose trend influences the macroeconomic dynamics and those related to specific industries while forcing them to a continuous change.

The companies like RMG as well, which produce copper-based alloy ingots such as bronze, aluminium bronze, and special brass, are forced to work while facing different and unpredictable events. Therefore, Scenari & Tendenze (lit. Scenarios and Trends), organised by Confindustria Brescia and Camera di Commercio di Brescia (lit. The Chamber of Commerce of Brescia), was held once again to support the companies. Thanks to its usual overview of the macroeconomic dynamics and the in-depth analysis of the main markets, the 38th edition of the Conjunctural Observatory provided enterprises with useful data to support them by interpreting all those dynamics affecting their short-and long-term decisions.

Source: Confindustria Brescia, Scenari & Tendenze, 5th July 2022